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Remedia Publications was founded by two experienced special education teachers who recognized a great need for special materials that would help their struggling learners develop and improve basic skills. They believed that teachers know best when it comes to creating learning material, so they assembled a team of other experienced teachers and began developing unique learning products suitable for students in both special ed. classes and regular ed. classes.




Remedia Publications was founded by two experienced special education teachers who recognized a great need for special materials that would help their struggling learners develop and improve basic skills. They believed that teachers know best when it comes to creating learning material, so they assembled a team of other experienced teachers and began developing unique learning products suitable for students in both special ed. classes and regular ed. classes.
Cutting: Readiness Skills

Cutting: Readiness Skills

Snip. Snip! Color, cut, and paste to improve eye-hand coordination. Students will get loads of practice honing their fine motor skills with the 24 creative cutting activities in this book. Whether using a scissors to divide a picture into pieces before pasting it back together or snipping out images of fish to be pasted into a fishbowl, children are sure to have fun while learning.
Subtraction: Timed Math Drills

Subtraction: Timed Math Drills

Success in all areas of mathematics starts with a solid knowledge of the basic facts. This book provides concentrated practice of basic subtraction facts to help students reach mastery level. Timed Math Drills: Subtraction provides step-by-step practice in addition that starts with whole-page calculations using the same, single addend (1 thru 9), progresses to calculations using two different addends, and then to all-inclusive, mixed addends. The goal is to achieve mastery at the highest possible accuracy level in the lowest possible time. A chart is included on which each student's progress can be recorded. Award forms are included to validate students' achievements.
Addition: Timed Math Drills

Addition: Timed Math Drills

Success in all areas of mathematics starts with a solid knowledge of the basic facts. This book provides concentrated practice of basic addition facts to help students reach mastery level. Timed Math Drills: Addition provides step-by-step practice in addition that starts with whole-page calculations using the same, single addend (1 thru 9); progresses to calculations using two different addends, and then to all-inclusive, mixed addends. The goal is to achieve mastery at the highest possible accuracy level in the lowest possible time. A chart is included on which each student’s progress can be recorded. Award forms are included to validate students’ achievements.
Addition: Math Practice

Addition: Math Practice

This 24-lesson learning unit is packed with 600 sequential computation problems and 48 word problems. The exercises provide oodles of practice doing all sorts of addition from “72 + 32” to “2560 + 6346 + 2939.” The two story problems included at the bottom of each worksheets are sure to keep students on their toes. Example: “The phone company installed 369 phones in June, 250 in July, and 502 in August. How many phones were installed in those three months?” This book is the first in a series.
Subtraction: Math Practice

Subtraction: Math Practice

This 24-lesson teaching unit is packed with 600 sequential computation problems and 48 word problems. The exercises provide oodles of practice doing all sorts of subtraction from “54 – 12” to “4000 – 2733.” The two story problems included at the bottom of each worksheets are sure to keep students on their toes. Example: “When the snack stand opened, there were 2,000 candy bars. 637 candy bars were sold. How many candy bars were left?” This book is the second in a series after Math Practice: Addition.
Addition & Subtraction: Math Practice

Addition & Subtraction: Math Practice

This 26-lesson teaching unit is packed with 520 sequential computation problems and 53 word problems. The exercises provide oodles of practice doing all sorts of addition and subtraction from “92 + 6” and “57 – 5” to more difficult math like “902 – 703.” The two story problems included at the bottom of each worksheet are sure to keep students on their toes. Example: “In six month a car dealer sold 725 cars. He also sold 113 pick-ups. How many sold in all?”This book is the third in a series after Math Practice: Addition and Math Practice: Subtraction.
Math Puzzles: Multiplication & Division Word Problems

Math Puzzles: Multiplication & Division Word Problems

Crossword math! Students will get plenty of practice multiplying and dividing by working the 20 crossword-style puzzles and more than 250 word problems in this learning unit. Students enter their numeric answers into the puzzles. Only with correct calculations can each activity be completed. The result? Students are motivated to check their work. Math difficulty progresses with each worksheet and includes such questions as: “The zoo is open from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., 7 days a week. How many hours is it open in a week?”Themes for the high-interest word puzzles range from A Day at the Zoo to Grocery Shopping. An Answer Key is included.
Math Puzzles: Addition & Subtraction Word Problems

Math Puzzles: Addition & Subtraction Word Problems

Crossword math! Students will get plenty of practice adding and subtracting by working the 20 crossword-style puzzles and more than 250 word problems in this learning unit. Students enter their numeric answers into the puzzles. Only with correct calculations can each activity be completed. The result? Students are motivated to check their work. Math difficulty progresses with each worksheet and includes such questions as: “The temperature was 48-degrees on March 31. On April 1st it was 70-degrees. How many degrees warmer was in on April 1st?”Themes for the high-interest word puzzles range from Gone Fishing’ to Family Vacation. An Answer Key is included.
Number Line Math

Number Line Math

Learning basic math! Each of the 24 lessons in the learning unit features a “number line” of 1-10, 1-15, or 1-20. Students are challenged to use these graphic tools to figure out fundamental addition and subtraction problems. “9 + 1 = ?” “10 – 3 = ?” “12 + 7 = ?”Using the number line to count out the answers is a great way to start building a solid foundation of basic math.
Riddle Math

Riddle Math

Riddle me this! “What do you call an unsolved puzzle from long ago?” To solve this and other riddles in this 24-lesson learning unit, students must first solve a series of addition and subtraction computations. With correct numeric answers, children can crack the letter code provided and answer the riddle. Math difficulty peaks with adding and subtracting double-digits. An Answer Key is included
Shapes: Readiness Skills

Shapes: Readiness Skills

An introduction to basic shapes! The tracing, coloring, drawing, and cut-and-paste activities found in this 20-lesson unit will introduce young learners to basic shapes as well as the words that describe them. Creative illustrations make learning about circles, squares, rectangles, and ovals even more fun and visually informative.
Measurement for Beginners

Measurement for Beginners

From using the paper ruler provided to measure inches, to figuring pints, quarts and gallons, students will learn basic measuring through the 19 imaginative lessons in the book. How long is the funny looking worm? How tall is the double-scoop ice cream cone? Given that 1 gallon = 4 quarts, color the number of quart containers you could fill with two gallons of milk. Fully illustrated, the activities in this lesson unit will get your students excited about measuring all sorts of things from the “guitar” and “hammer” pictured in the book to the crayons on their desks.
Subtraction: Building Basic Skills

Subtraction: Building Basic Skills

“Solve the problem! Color the answers.” The exercises found here will improve math and motor skills. Example: 18 gum balls are packed into a coin-operated machine on one of the worksheets. Inside each gum ball is a single subtraction problem. Once students have completed the math drills, they are directed to color the gum balls. A sphere with the answer 4 or 5, for example, should be colored blue. Not only do students get to practice their math, they improve their skills at following directions. Visual subjects range from “ice cubes” to “paint cans.” Math difficulty peaks with subtracting single-digits from double-digits. There are 22 worksheets and an Answer Key included.
Opposites: Readiness Skills

Opposites: Readiness Skills

Hot/Cold. Happy/Sad. Open/Close. Many/Few. These are just a few of the 20 opposites explored in this book. With each exercise, students read a vocabulary word, practice tracing it, then color two of the three images that it describes. As students progress, they will improve their vocabulary, reading, handwriting, fine motor, and critical thinking skills.
Number Knowledge

Number Knowledge

Know your numbers! Putting numbers in sequential order, skip counting, odd vs. even numbers, ordinal numbers, and more are covered in the 24 creatively illustrated lessons in the learning unit. “Join the numbered dots starting with 1 and ending with 99.” “Write the missing number: 71, __,. __, 74, __.” “Circle eighth place.”Numbers between 1 and 100 are the focus. Coloring skills add to the fun by giving motor skills a good workout.
Size Comparisons: Readiness Skills

Size Comparisons: Readiness Skills

From “biggest” to “smallest” and “shortest” to “longest,” the 19 lessons in this book will develop students’ size comparison skills from good, to better, to the best! Children will have loads of fun tracing, coloring, and comparing everything from “snakes” and “worms” to “jump ropes” and “shoe laces.” Example: “The road to the city is long. The road to the ocean is longer. The road to the forest is longest.” Color the shortest road blue.Sizes include small, tall, little, long, and large. A pre/post test is included.
Time Concepts

Time Concepts

An introduction to telling time! Understanding nighttime, daytime, seasons, clocks, and calendars are all covered in this 22-lesson learning unit. Designed for children not yet able to tell time, each exercise creatively illustrates time concepts ranging from “Time for Recess” and “Summer Fun” to a monthly “October” calendar missing some of its dates. Coloring and tracing activities are incorporated to promote motor skills and add to the fun of learning about time.
Recognizing Coins

Recognizing Coins

Money sense! This introduction to money helps students identify coins and their values as well as count coins. “Color the nickels silver.” “Draw a line to match the head of each coin with its tail.” A quarter, two dimes and a nickel are pictured. “How much do you have?”What students learned is put to practice “buying” items using their coins. “Cut out the coins and use them to buy a 26-cent ice cream cone, a 9-cent piece of candy, and a 16-cent pretzel.” In all, there are 25 worksheets in this basic skills learning unit.
Easy Addition: Coloring Activities

Easy Addition: Coloring Activities

“Solve the problem! Color the answers.” The exercises found here will improve math and motor skills. Basic addition computations have been incorporated into bold illustrations. One drawing graces each of the 25 lessons in this learning unit. After solving the 9 to 12 computation problems in a given exercise, students are directed to color the answers as well as the rest of the image. Visual subjects range from a “turtle” to a “pirate.” Math difficulty is focused on adding single digits.
Size Comparisons: Readiness Skills Series 2

Size Comparisons: Readiness Skills Series 2

From “biggest” to “smallest” and “shortest” to “longest,” the 19 lessons in this book will develop students’ size comparison skills from good, to better, to the best! Children will have loads of fun tracing, coloring, and comparing everything from “snakes” and “worms” to “jump ropes” and “shoe laces.” Example: “The road to the city is long. The road to the ocean is longer. The road to the forest is longest.” Color the shortest road blue.Sizes include small, tall, little, long, and large. A pre/post test is included.